I’ve meet many women in recent weeks who have had babies in lockdown or were just at the point of coming out to classes when the lockdown happened.
Becoming a mum for the first time is MASSIVE. The NORMAL transition you go through physically, mentally and emotionally cannot be underestimated, but add in a global pandemic, social isolation and worry about the future and it’s anything but NORMAL!
Baby classes can be a lifeline, a place to make friends, meet other mums, a source of information and support – they’re what mums NORMALLY do!
Lots of local parent and baby classes are starting up face2face again (FBAM included) and this has come as a massive boost for many mums who have been desperate to get some NORMALITY back and meet other mums or experience all the things they hoped their maternity leave would be.
Many mums I’ve spoken to have used words such as ‘relief’, ‘excitement’ and ‘elated’ at the thought of attending classes in person.
But, although many are delighted it can also be an anxious time …
- It’s been just you and your little family for so long.
- Maybe fear of catching the virus or putting family members at risk.
- Worried about how your baby will be in a group situation e.g. what if they’re unsettled and disturb others.
- Not knowing anyone there, having to make conversation and chat.
- Concerns about finding the venue, timings of classes or just getting out of the house for a certain time.
- Just not feeling yourself, loss of confidence, low mood, teary or panicky … and although you know it would be ‘good for you’, you just can’t do it.
Well I want to tell you that this is NORMAL too – of course you’ll feel these things, I get it, because I feel many of these things as well, we all do…YOU ARE NOT ALONE
So what can we do to make this transition a little easier?
- Acknowledge that your fears are NORMAL
- Message me if you’re at all nervous or anxious about coming to a class – I can help.
- Chat to the other mums because I can guarantee they’ll be feeling just the same as you.
- Get out for pram walks, join a Pramactive class or go for a little jog/walk, because physical health and well-being are linked to good mental health.
- Do things you enjoy and focus on the present – Baby Massage can massively help with improving your mood and reducing anxiety.
- Join the For Baby and Me Mums Whatsapp Chat.
- Talk to your GP or HV if you feel you need professional help or support.
This might not be NORMAL times but it’s our NORMAL and we can support and help each other to feel part of a community of women that care for one another and are there to listen.
So start a conversation or join in and share how you’re feeling because mums are NORMALLY pretty good at helping each other – and maybe now more than ever it’s what we all need!